type.normalize.asia™ is a font family that support character of The East Asia.(u+4e00-u+9fff). This typeface aims to be loosely connected by including regional differences of glyph in The East Asian cultural sphere.
(Release on August, 2020)

beauty in imperfection
Think of imperfection as a positive. Imperfections absorb regional differences.
open structure
To provide an shape which can allow for easy access to character in a moment, Eliminate overly dense structures.
focus on characteristic
Notice the structures that characterize individuality. Moderate complexity is what makes it unique.
Character of the East Asia have a large number of glyph. They take a very long time to complete. Simple rules can be reproduced without any special skills.
1. only straight lines
2. On 13 grids
3. Moderate space
4. open structure

w100 Thin
w200 Extra Light
w300 Light
w400 Regular
w500 Semi Bold
w600 Bold
w700 Extra Bold
w800 Black

status of development
type.normalize.asia™ is a font family that aims to support character of The East Asia.(u+4e00-u+9fff).
CJK Unified Ideographs
18.07% 3,793 / 20,989
* as of June 22, 2020
type Foundry / typeface design